User Manuals for Brain / Brain Instructions

Potentials and opportunities show up continuously. And whether you can grasp it or not depends only on one person …… That is you

You are welcome to join us on the 28 of May. Friday night – Free Course Introduction? Orientation Night? There will be detailed introduction about the effectiveness of NLP, learning methods and discussion for any other NLP related questions.

Discover Unconscious Mind NLP is a very efficient and practical skillset. In the NLP International Certification, you will get:

  • Basic NLP – foundation of presuppositions
  • NLP beliefs, personal beliefs system can choose how the brain works
  • Representation System – We use five senses to present our internal world
  • Personality – to analyse your personality using the strongest analysing tool in the world
  • Meta Program-NLP a special personality analysis, to understand yourself from another point of view
  • Strategies – how to control your internal programming to achieve your desired outcomes
  • Values – explore to the deepest of your unconscious mind, fully understand your internal world
  • Chunk up and Chunk down, to understand your mindset and flexibility
  • Using various skills in NLP to release negative emotions, remove bad habits, increase your flexibility, and take ownership of your life.


  • Using the skillset and theories from NLP and the TimeLine Therapy to achieve your desire future and live the life you want.
User Manuals for Brain
Time:28/May/2024 Fri 7:00pm-9:00pm (6:30pm Entry)
Woodstock Community Centre, 22 Church St. Burwood NSW 2134

            (Free car park access)

Organiser: Mind Depot Coaching
The first authorized Chinese NLP International Certificate training provider in Australia and New Zealand

Cost: FREE



You can register through details below
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1800 825 098
Or website register: or Wechat: RebeccaZhu669 or Scan QR code for registration