Helping Australia and New Zealand’s young people to thrive in all areas of their lives.

While lots of people experience Australia as the “lucky country”, there are big challenges facing many young people today. Did you know that the high school dropout rates has reached 15% in 2010? Australia has very high rates of teenage pregnancy? There were 105 Australian teens between15 -19 committed suicide in 2009?

The core solution to these problems is for every young person to have the opportunity to strengthen their self-belief and boost their confidence in their own ability to learn, grow and deal with life’s challenges..

The Green SuperCamp® Australia team believe it is important that young people are equipped with the skills, abilities and self-belief to work through any struggles they encounter with a sense of hope and possibility. We aim to empower them with a strong foundation of self-confidence and personal leadership and then support them to build on this through drawing the very best out of their educational experience.


  • 36 years of experience and still growing
  • Over 68,000 graduates around the world
  • Responds to the unique needs of the individual young person
  • Facilitators undergo over 300 hours of training each year
  • Every graduate says they ‘had the time of their life’ and wants to come back again
  • Independent research in America demonstrated that 84% of graduates increase self-esteem and 74% increase their academic grades…and Australia’s results are even better!

Since April 2012 we have been offering both Senior Forums (10 day camps for young people aged 14-17 years) and Junior Forums (7 day camps for young people aged to 10-14 years). Young people from New Zealand, Victoria, NSW, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory, and Singapore, Malaysia, UK, Bali, Canada, South Africa and Sri Lanka have all gathered to participate in these very successful programmes.

Green SuperCamp® – The Outcomes! 
One of the reasons this camp is so exciting is the incredible results that have been achieved by the participants, such as:

  • 100% increased their self-esteem
  • 100% increased their confidence and courage
  • 100% increased their self-discipline and commitment
  • 100% increased their academic skills
  • 100% increased their communication and relationship skills

Furthermore, the percentage of increase is quite remarkable in each core area of measurement. For instance, there was an average overall increase of:

  • 34% in Communication and Relationship Skills
  • 48% 学习能力
  • 36% 个人技能


How many Green SuperCamp® Australia programmes run each year? 
At this stage there are two programmes, a Senior Camp (14 to 17 years in April holidays) and a Junior Camp (10 to 14 years in September) run each year. We also support a Junior and Senior Camp in Bali each year.

How often can a child do Green SuperCamp® Australia? 
There is no limit to the number of times a child can participate in a Green SuperCamp® Australia programme. Every time your child attends there is the opportunity to sharpen skills, see things from a different perspective, gain new learning, make new friends, reinforce the learning, or even return to the camp in a leadership role.

Where is camp held? 
Camp is held at Cave Hill Creek in Beaufort, Victoria, Australia, which is about 2 hours drive from Melbourne. We offer assistance for campers travelling from interstate or overseas and have a bus shuttle to and from the airport.